
In any well-oiled underground economy, each crook and every criminal has a part to play. But if the liquidity suddenly drops out of the system, an epic Wall Street-style crack is only hours away. In an underworld screaming for an immediate infusion of capital - cash, to be very blunt - everyone is looking for the vanished bankier. Or at least that part of him that opens the fingerprint lock to the vault.
Heading up the manhunt is the inexperienced, but highly ambitious financial fraud investigator Svenn Krovel. Inexplicably, he finds himself pairing up with the self-appointed king of the eastside, Sylfest Dreyer, an old school cop. Sylfests agendas are numerous and varied - and Sveen soon finds his investigation going out of control. Especially once he meets Wendy, the bombshell call girl.
Wendy dreams of a life far away from the dreary eastside, and by having serviced the missing bankier regularly, she has a long, lovely leg up on the competition - if not actually two. Wendy is both willing and able to go far in this world - she has an immediate and debilitating effect on most males that come her way, and can easily turn the head of the most hardened of criminals. Not to mention a financial fraud-specialist straight out of the academy. (Norsk Filminstitutt)

