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Reviews (10,848)


In Search of a Midnight Kiss (2007) 

English At the beginning, you have to get to know the characters, who may be quite annoying to you, but once you get used to them a bit, you will realize that it's not so bad and that thanks to brilliantly written dialogues, the film is quite impactful. And in the end, even the romantic aspect works, which could have been expected even less.


Phantoms (1990) 

English It's like being in something unnecessarily stretched out. Unnecessarily mainly because you've known how it will end for a long time. Meridian may seem like something more at the beginning, but it's really just a fantasy fairy tale that doesn't have a very big set design, but is quite theatrical, with slight references to Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream". But Meridian will never become a classic.


Be with You (2004) 

English It still strikes me as unbelievable that one country can produce such incredible absurdities, where your stomach may turn and any morality goes out the window, and then can make something as beautiful, touching, and wonderful as this film. The Japanese simply know how to do this and it's very good.


Ida (2013) 

English Most of the time, this doesn't happen, but with this film, I was more drawn to the visual aspect than the plot. Usually it's the story that gets me, but this black-and-white cinematography was so beautiful I just stared. Unfortunately, the story, while not bad, didn't captivate me as much, and the story of the nun just before taking her vows is somewhat predictable at times.


I Want to Live! (1958) 

English If Susan Hayward hadn't been so theatrical at times that you don't believe her, the film would deserve an even higher rating, but her exaggerated acting bothered me a bit. On the other hand, her final scene is quite nicely subdued and has the right impact. A strong drama about justice and the death penalty.


Big Deal on Madonna Street (1958) 

English For me, it has a very slow pace at the beginning, so I found myself not really enjoying it and there were only a few moments where I had fun. Subsequently, the film picks up a better pace, the characters are livelier, and the film is more enjoyable, but it didn't really captivate me to be truly enthralled.


I Hired a Contract Killer (1990) 

English Aki Kaurismäki is truly a minimalist, now with basically three characters - albeit anchored in the social environment - he manages to handle an interesting story, which has a good starting point but is not filmed to fully exploit its potential. The man's attempt to let himself be killed is absurdly strange.


Chronic (2015) 

English Tim Roth is good, the film is very depressing, and these are its main elements that draw you in. Dying is not easy, nor is it easy to deal with it on a daily basis and actually help people to make dying better. The film isn't that plot driven, it's slow, but you get a sense of where it's going. It's not an easy watch.


We Children from Bahnhof Zoo (1981) 

English An incredibly raw film that will definitely not make you sleep well. I had heard about the film a long time ago, but the title evoked something for children. No, this is not for kids, but it's quite good for parents to see how their child can also enjoy it. It is quite sad that after more than thirty years the film is still extremely relevant.


Fifty Shades Darker (2017) 

English It's the same as the first one. Simply a bad movie that you expect to be at least sexy, but it's not. Dakota is sexy in one single scene, otherwise she's incredibly awkward and I'm surprised she enjoyed playing this. Jamie is fine, but his character goes to shit, not to mention that he doesn't give a damn about the bullshit they're saying. And is there something rougher here? No chance.

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