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Reviews (10,848)


Black Love (1971) 

English Black Love is another oddity you'll find in Herschell Gordon Lewis's work. But these films made Herschell a cult figure, because nobody else was doing this. Or at least there weren't that many authors. It's good that the film has been preserved because it was considered lost for a while, but it was eventually released on DVD, and fans can now watch it, just like Herschell's other films.


The Blue Max (1966) 

English This war movie is well shot and has moments that can pull you in, where you think it's going to be great. But then the feeling suddenly fades and you find yourself not really enjoying it. Then something else again. And then nothing. Luckily, Ursula Andress saves the day, and she's incredibly sexy.


Cherrybomb (2009) 

English I don't know if I expected so much from the film, but what I got seemed rather like a cop-out to me. Two young men, maybe even teenagers, fall in love with the same girl, and their friendship falls apart. This is a bit of a cliché, and it's filmed like one big cliché. Not even the rough ending, which we know about the whole time, saves it.


Chennai Express (2013) 

English It's a shame that this is just a classic Indian comedy, where there's a lot of craziness, a lot of fooling around, and sometimes it just doesn't make much sense because it's just about fooling around. This strikes me as pretty small for the cast the film has, and it's a shame more wasn't made of it. The musical numbers are the best part.


Kaos (1984) 

English Certainly not a film that I would specifically seek out, but for what initially seems like fairly ordinary stories, the Taviani brothers have managed to create a presentation that is human, yet deep, both in moments of reflection and in moments that are more humorous.


Head of the Family (1996) 

English Head of the Family has several positive aspects, with the first being the special effects, which are good. I find this is something that is traditionally good in Band's films. The second aspect is that the film is quite daring and sexy in places. Then, it's just a pretty normal B-movie that can entertain you with its absurdity. I quite enjoyed it, even though the ending didn't really impress me.


Patriots Day (2016) 

English I liked the film mainly because it was shot from the perspective of people who actually seemed realistic, and even Mark Wahlberg wasn't unnecessarily macho. There were also mistakes in the investigation, human errors, or how the police actually work, and I liked that. No moralizing loving finale.


Charade (1963) 

English It's a fairly entertaining film, but it stands out mainly for being really convoluted. The character's name here hardly matters because it's very likely that in reality, they're called something else. But Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn are a great match and their shared humor is enjoyable.


Hyde Park on Hudson (2012) 

English The biggest drama of this film is actually whether the royal couple will or will not have hot dogs with the president of the United States on a picnic, which are offered to them. The film almost evokes a bit of absurdity, but it ultimately shies away from that and wants to give it proper emotions and historical meaning. Which it doesn't succeed in.


Live by Night (2016) 

English I must say, Ben Affleck disappointed me in this film. Besides showing off his acting chops, which I don't enjoy much, he's just too macho here, and you don't really believe his emotions, so story-wise, it's quite boring, and also predictable. It jumps from topic to topic, from scene to scene, to keep from being boring. And yet it's boring.