Apple TV+ - Streaming

Apple TV+

Streaming from 04/02/2020  


Streaming from 03/02/2020


Streaming from 02/02/2020


Streaming from 01/02/2020
Streaming from 31/01/2020




OthelloThe Lighthouse(2019) 

A story told in half-whispers at night by sailors somewhere in the hold of the Obra Dinn. With each retelling, new elements are added and some fade away again. The resulting tale is all the more frightening for the fact… (more)

FilmmaniakThe Lighthouse(2019) 

This is a visually and masterfully enchanting and outrageously impressive psychological drama, with great acting and with horror elements, inspired by naval stories, the works of Herman Melville and ancient mythology.… (more)

POMOThe Lighthouse(2019) 

The Lighthouse is about nerdy form, great actors and the director’s fearlessness in experimentation and ambition to do something that had never been seen before. The sound track is astonishingly engaging and almost even… (more)