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gudaulinLa Grande Bouffe(1973) 

In the life of most intellectuals, there comes a moment when they begin to reflect on the state of the world, and this is a very risky matter. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the conclusion is reached that the… (more)

kaylinLa Grande Bouffe(1973) 

Yes, this is a very harsh critique of 1970s society, but the funny thing is that it's also a critique of contemporary society. Consumerism still rules us, as we will still do anything to satisfy our cravings, no matter… (more)

MattyTokyo Sonata(2008) 

A brutally minimalistic drama about a family in which communication has somewhat stagnated, which of course we don’t learn from words, but from the placement of the characters in the given space. The well-though-out… (more)