Apple TV+ - Streaming

Apple TV+

Streaming from 26/07/2019  



Streaming from 25/07/2019
Streaming from 24/07/2019
Streaming from 23/07/2019



Streaming from 22/07/2019



EvilPhoEniXMaster Z: Ip Man Legacy(2018) 

As a spin-off to Ip-Man, it's okay, but it falls short of the trilogy starrging Donnie Yen, though Max Zhang is a worthy stand-in. Story-wise, it's a classic Hong Kong cliché, but thanks to the solid cast and the decent… (more)

novotenTeen Spirit(2018) 

An indie film seemingly drowned in the grayness of ordinary life that tells a story that has been chewed over a hundred times. And thanks to the decent power of the subtly peeking happy moments, it works for the first… (more)

kaylinRock Paper Dead(2019) 

There are some incredibly powerful flashbacks in the American movie Rock, Paper, Scissors. They are filmed well, so they are repulsive, yet without being too explicit, and so it still makes you nauseous. Luke Macfarlane… (more)