Apple TV+ - Streaming

Apple TV+

Streaming from 17/04/2019  


Streaming from 16/04/2019


Streaming from 15/04/2019


Streaming from 14/04/2019


Streaming from 13/04/2019



kaylinThe Witch Files(2018) 

I'd almost like to say that the American film The Witch Files is a horror film for teenagers, but in fact, I wouldn't say that it’s horror at all. It's only a movie about young witches that probably wants to be a little… (more)

EvilPhoEniXLook Away(2018) 

The story revolves around the adorable teen Maria, who has a hard time at school, is bullied by the local hockey player, has no friends and no confidence, but everything changes when she discovers her evil twin sister… (more)

GoldbeaterEl Angel(2018) 

El Angel is the story of a young guy with an angelic face for whom other people’s property, money, feelings and later on even lives meant nothing. So he took them to his heart’s content. And, in ’70s Argentina, he got… (more)