Apple TV+ - Streaming

Apple TV+

Streaming from 08/06/2018  


Streaming from 07/06/2018
Streaming from 06/06/2018
Streaming from 05/06/2018


Streaming from 04/06/2018



Streaming from 03/06/2018



3DD!3Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom(2018) 

Bayona filmed a kid’s nightmare. A dinosaur in the bedroom! I’m pleasantly surprised that this sequel wasn’t conceived just as a cash grab and that they cooked up a story that fairly original to the extent possible.… (more)

MrHladJurassic World: Fallen Kingdom(2018) 

To be honest, I'm quite glad I'm over it. The second Jurassic World isn't a bad movie, but I kind of automatically expect a $170 million blockbuster to look good, show off enough attractions to keep me from getting… (more)

kaylinBlack Butterfly(2017) 

Actually, it wasn't bad at all, and the central duo of Banderas and Rhys Meyers appealed to me. They fit well together, especially in the sense of their mismatched dynamic. The finale isn't bad either; there's something… (more)