Apple TV+ - Streaming

Apple TV+

Streaming from 21/01/2018  
Streaming from 20/01/2018


Streaming from 19/01/2018



Streaming from 18/01/2018




OthelloMaze Runner: The Death Cure(2018) 

Torture movie and textbook blockbuster at the same time, in the most pejorative sense. Hard to find something so lazy and uninspiring. The story only moves through dei ex machina, the characters have no characters, they… (more)

angel74Rock'n Roll(2017) 

Guillaume Canet made a rather wacky comedy about a mid-life crisis, in which he also starred. Some passages are great, others are horrible. I was happy to watch it, also because of the fine music, but I don't need to… (more)

D.MooreThe Post(2017) 

A perfect film with a flawless Tom Hanks in the role of a journalistic shark - terminator, a 100% convincing Meryl Streep as a hesitant, kind of shy, and at the same time confident publisher, similarly excellent cast of… (more)