Apple TV+ - Streaming

Apple TV+

Streaming from 18/06/2015  


Streaming from 17/06/2015
Streaming from 16/06/2015


Streaming from 15/06/2015


Streaming from 14/06/2015
Streaming from 13/06/2015
Streaming from 12/06/2015




StanislausJurassic World(2015) 

As a die-hard fan of the original Jurassic Park and all sorts of quality dinosaur movies and documentaries, I was looking forward to Jurassic World about as much as today's little kids look forward to the new Minions… (more)

ZízaJurassic World(2015) 

A dinosaur movie that you don't have to think about; if you happen to do so, you'll find it has a lot of plotholes. If you dwell on them, it becomes a pretty annoying movie; but if you get over yourself and think of it… (more)

IsherwoodJurassic World(2015) 

A perfect contemporary studio film, pitch-perfectly refined to fit almost everyone's taste. The stars have "just the right" luminosity, Spielberg behind their backs, special effects artists at work, and a scripted… (more)