Apple TV+ - Streaming

Apple TV+

Streaming from 29/04/2011  


Streaming from 28/04/2011
Streaming from 26/04/2011


Streaming from 25/04/2011
Streaming from 24/04/2011
Streaming from 23/04/2011


Streaming from 22/04/2011




MarigoldHow I Ended This Summer(2010) 

The deserted Arctic island is the scene of a small psychological war between two meteorologists, at the beginning of which there is a fairly banal fear of reacting to the tragic news from the mainland. Pavel Kostomarov… (more)

NinadeLWater for Elephants(2011) 

While Burlesque only gingerly exploited a plot cut from the 1930s but set it in the present, Water for Elephants literally revels in the year 1931 in every frame. The circus setting, the ethereal Reese, the totally… (more)

3DD!3Water for Elephants(2011) 

This picture should have been titled Vodka for Elephants (A Czech play on words voda=water, vodka=vodka) in view of the main elephant’s love of alcohol and the time when the story takes place. I don’t like clowns and I… (more)