Disney+ - Streaming


Streaming from 14/06/2019  
Streaming from 13/06/2019


Streaming from 12/06/2019
Streaming from 11/06/2019
Streaming from 10/06/2019
Streaming from 09/06/2019


Streaming from 07/06/2019
Streaming from 06/06/2019
Streaming from 05/06/2019
Streaming from 04/06/2019
Streaming from 03/06/2019


Streaming from 02/06/2019
Streaming from 31/05/2019
Streaming from 30/05/2019


Streaming from 29/05/2019
Streaming from 28/05/2019
Streaming from 27/05/2019


Top Rated

Alien (1979)

Aliens (1986)

Die Hard (1988)

Geri's Game (1997)

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)

Le Mans '66 (2019)

Partly Cloudy (2009)

Presto (2008)



MalarkeyX-Men: Dark Phoenix(2019) 

After watching the film, I was surprised at how badly this final episode of modern X-Men is rated. It didn’t seem so bad to me, but I have some comments on the film. The thing that intrigued me the most was the fact… (more)

EvilPhoEniXX-Men: Dark Phoenix(2019) 

Considering the reviews so far, I was expecting crap and I went to the cinema rather out of boredom, but I was very pleasantly surprised and after a long time I enjoyed the cinema. The line-up of James McAvoy, Jennifer… (more)

GoldbeaterX-Men: Dark Phoenix(2019) 

The fact is that this movie was supposed to be a magnificent end to the entire X-Men saga. However, it is more like a slow and sleepy piece that fizzes out as an empty exercise. Entrusting the final movie of the series… (more)