Disney+ - Streaming


Streaming from 14/07/2014  
Streaming from 13/07/2014


Streaming from 11/07/2014


Streaming from 09/07/2014
Streaming from 08/07/2014
Streaming from 07/07/2014


Streaming from 06/07/2014
Streaming from 04/07/2014
Streaming from 02/07/2014
Streaming from 01/07/2014
Streaming from 30/06/2014



Top Rated

Alien (1979)

Aliens (1986)

Die Hard (1988)

Geri's Game (1997)

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)

Le Mans '66 (2019)

Partly Cloudy (2009)

Presto (2008)



StanislausDawn of the Planet of the Apes(2014) 

The second episode of the Planet of the Apes saga impressed me comparably to the first one. The bleak vision of a near and post-apocalyptic future has been brought to the screen many times before and like the others,… (more)

DaViD´82Dawn of the Planet of the Apes(2014) 

People. Apes. Hominids. Mammals. Scum. Everybody. Speak. Lots. CGI. Lots. Blockbuster. Thought. Seemingly. Superficial. Black and white. Too simple. Half-assed. First. Better. Suspense. Subliminal. Silence. Storm.… (more)

KakaDawn of the Planet of the Apes(2014) 

A sequel that is neither grander, nor more action-packed or more spectacular than its predecessor. It continues in a very generic manner and the conflict between the two species is portrayed quite narrowly (one city… (more)