Prime Video - Streaming

Prime Video

Streaming from 12/10/2023  







MalarkeyThe Boy in the Mirror(2014) 

It’s been a long time since I came across some nice children’s adventure on Saturday morning and The Boy in the Mirror looked quite promising. But in the end, everything about it was stupid. If I wanted to pick an… (more)

kaylinSatanic Meat Cleaver Massacre(2017) 

The American production Satanic Meat Cleaver Massacre is an example of independent low-budget filmmaking, which in this case means it is something that should have never seen the light of day because it is simply so bad… (more)

J*A*S*MSweet Baby Charlie(1963) 

Great! Almost surprisingly brutal for the early 1960s (on a psychological rather than a physical level, yeah, but still), something like a predecessor of the exploitation sub-genre that would have its boom a decade… (more)