Prime Video - Streaming

Prime Video

Streaming from 19/10/2017  
Streaming from 18/10/2017


Streaming from 17/10/2017
Streaming from 16/10/2017
Streaming from 15/10/2017
Streaming from 14/10/2017
Streaming from 13/10/2017


Streaming from 12/10/2017


Streaming from 11/10/2017
Streaming from 10/10/2017
Streaming from 09/10/2017
Streaming from 08/10/2017




3DD!3The Snowman(2017) 

Poor in terms of story, in terms of form – brilliant. Paradoxically, everybody was worried about all sorts of things, just not a faulty story, especially when it’s filmed according to the Norwegian crime-writer king, Jo… (more)

GoldbeaterThe Snowman(2017) 

If, during a snow-covered and frosty winter evening, you feel like you’d like to watch a thriller with a suitable atmosphere, go for anything except The Snowman. Watching completely unlikable heroes for two hours… (more)

angel74The Snowman(2017) 

I haven't read the book, so I'm not burdened with the need to compare whether or not it was well adapted. I was intrigued by the atmosphere, which the film undoubtedly has, mainly due to the chilling setting of the… (more)