Prime Video - Streaming

Prime Video

Streaming from 19/02/2015  
Streaming from 18/02/2015


Streaming from 17/02/2015
Streaming from 16/02/2015
Streaming from 15/02/2015
Streaming from 13/02/2015
Streaming from 12/02/2015


Streaming from 11/02/2015
Streaming from 10/02/2015
Streaming from 09/02/2015
Streaming from 08/02/2015


Streaming from 06/02/2015
Streaming from 05/02/2015
Streaming from 04/02/2015


Streaming from 03/02/2015
Streaming from 02/02/2015
Streaming from 01/02/2015



lampsFifty Shades of Grey(2015) 

A film with no plot, no emotion, and no attempt to evoke sympathy for characters that are never plunged into their controversial intimate relationship deeper than the writing of a superficial sexual contract, and only… (more)

KakaFifty Shades of Grey(2015) 

Pretty Woman 2. Over time, everyone waves their hand over it as shallow and often predictable when it captures the current times so accurately, with a hint of irresistible glamour. But now it's trendy to complain about… (more)

3DD!3Fifty Shades of Grey(2015) 

So I watched it and surprising I don’t have the urge to trash this modern romance. In the end, this dumb (not as cute as in the Transformers) and senseless story comes to some conclusion. Quite surprising, if you didn’t… (more)