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POMOWuthering Heights(1939) 

A BEAUTIFUL adaptation of Bronte’s novel. Its atmosphere and the poetics of the black-and-white imagery have no equal today. Wuthering Heights is one of those cinematic classics that are a heart-warming celebration of… (more)

GoldbeaterSex Madness(1938) 

This was much less entertaining than the propaganda movie Reefer Madness, in which the effects of smoking marijuana were exaggerated to such a ridiculous extent that it was actually hilarious. Sex Madness, which warns… (more)

D.MooreHis Girl Friday(1940) 

It wasn't until about twenty minutes in that I realized that I was actually watching the original to Billy Wilder's famous remake, and that's when comparing the two versions made me enjoy the film even more. The newer… (more)

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