Prime Video - Streaming

Prime Video

Streaming from 22/12/2023  
Streaming from 21/12/2023
Streaming from 20/12/2023



Streaming from 19/12/2023
Streaming from 17/12/2023
Streaming from 15/12/2023


Streaming from 14/12/2023
Streaming from 12/12/2023




J*A*S*MOnce More(2012) 

Morgan Freeman is a grumpy old writer who moves to the country where he meets a divorcing mother and her three daughters. The meeting, of course, affects everyone. He gets back his zest for life, he makes friends, life… (more)

KakaReacher - Season 2(2023) 

The cool outdoors in the style of the Bourne series, a tough, good-guy protagonist whose gestures and musculature sometimes want to resemble The Punisher a bit, and that's where the positives end. In Season 2 Alan… (more)


This is a really bad, nasty thing. It still looks pretty good on the poster, but once you start watching the film, you realize that even with Zoë Bell present, this is the worst thing that could have been made. The way… (more)