Apple TV+ - Streaming

Apple TV+

Streaming from 20/09/2021  


Streaming from 19/09/2021
Streaming from 18/09/2021


Streaming from 17/09/2021





NecrotongueThe Morning Show - My Least Favorite Year(2021) 

After diving into the second season, I'm left a bit uncertain if I can take it. It started off focusing on cancel culture, but now we're diving into a modern plague? I don't need to tune into the show for that; I just… (more)

GoldbeaterPrisoners of the Ghostland(2021) 

I had high hopes for Sion Sono’s new movie; after all, he is an experienced director with a distinctive signature. The actors who also willingly bought into his vision (besides the courageous Nicolas Cage and the… (more)

KakaBillions - Liberty(2021) 

Good character psychology. Finally, in the jumble of dialogue fluff and questionable motivations, the characters start to emerge in a way that would be believable in a real world full of real people. However, the five… (more)