Apple TV+ - Streaming

Apple TV+

Streaming from 16/04/2024  
Streaming from 15/04/2024



Streaming from 14/04/2024
Streaming from 13/04/2024
Streaming from 12/04/2024
Streaming from 11/04/2024


Streaming from 10/04/2024
Streaming from 09/04/2024
Streaming from 08/04/2024
Streaming from 07/04/2024


Streaming from 06/04/2024
Streaming from 05/04/2024



FilmmaniakThe Taste of Things(2023) 

The ultimate food-porn. A supreme tribute to French gastronomy, in which most of the characters are hedonists and gourmets, top chefs and experts in the areas of food, animals and nature. They’re also great… (more)

Ivi06The Taste of Things(2023) 

This is one big caress to the soul. A beautiful ode to French cuisine, the French language and to love itself. The opening twenty minute or so cooking scene is a masterpiece, so be warned, don't watch it hungry :D In… (more)

GoldbeaterThe Taste of Things(2023) 

From the outside, The Taste of Things is practically the pinnacle of a genre that could be called simply “gastro-porn”. At its core, however, it is also a film that touches on so many interesting and thoughtful themes… (more)