Apple TV+ - Streaming

Apple TV+

Streaming from 28/03/2024  
Streaming from 27/03/2024


Streaming from 26/03/2024
Streaming from 25/03/2024


Streaming from 22/03/2024


Streaming from 21/03/2024
Streaming from 20/03/2024


Streaming from 19/03/2024



FilmmaniakYou'll Never Find Me(2023) 

Up until the final quarter, You’ll Never Find Me is a rather gripping and cleverly directed minimalistic psychological study of two characters whom fate has brought together in an isolated location and between whom… (more)


In the end, I think it's totally fine, the final third is where the film defends its right to exist. In the end, Immaculate is pure B-movie crap, even though it initially looks like it might have higher ambitions. Once… (more)

kaylinKingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV(2016) 

It's very evident in Japanese animation how much they strive to approximate reality, and how they increasingly succeed at it, where in some scenes, the resolution is almost impossible to distinguish at first glance.… (more)