Apple TV+ - Streaming

Apple TV+

Streaming from 07/04/2020  
Streaming from 06/04/2020



Streaming from 05/04/2020
Streaming from 04/04/2020


Streaming from 03/04/2020


Streaming from 02/04/2020



MarigoldThe Assistant(2019) 

A study of the effects of toxic masculinity cleverly done without the aggressor even being in the picture. Kitty Green works only with the effects of the manipulative structure he has created around himself, focusing… (more)

EvilPhoEniXDanger Close(2019) 

Travis Fimmel (Ragnar from Vikings) is commanding 108 inexperienced Australian and New Zealand soldiers against an entire Vietnamese battalion, and it's a decent wartime carnage for the first time in a while. After a… (more)

JFLThe Assistant(2019) 

This devastating minimalist drama is eloquent in and of itself, but it also coincidentally serves as a complement to the excellent horror film The Invisible Man, not only because both films’ central aggressor is in some… (more)