Apple TV+ - Streaming

Apple TV+

Streaming from 02/04/2020  


Streaming from 01/04/2020
Streaming from 31/03/2020


Streaming from 30/03/2020


Streaming from 29/03/2020


Streaming from 28/03/2020
Streaming from 27/03/2020



gudaulinThe Boat(1981) 

I have just watched a film from the category of those that must be viewed out of obligation, as they represent a genre foundation from which orientation in the field of cinema derives. I understand what Petersen was… (more)


The American production Trick is quite an enjoyable slasher movie, and Patrick Lussier shows he can definitely still make a cool horror. It must be said that Trick is not a great movie, but rather just a good slasher… (more)

KakaThe Boat(1981) 

Each character in the script has their own depth and each plays a smaller or larger, but similarly key role in the film. The outstanding actors also contribute to the excellent result. Jürgen Prochnow excels in the lead… (more)