Apple TV+ - Streaming

Apple TV+

Streaming from 18/02/2019  


Streaming from 17/02/2019


Streaming from 16/02/2019
Streaming from 15/02/2019


Streaming from 14/02/2019




D.MooreA Private War(2018) 

The fantastic Rosamund Pike has won her best role yet in Private War, something comparable to what the role of Dian Fossey was for Sigourney Weaver in Gorillas in the Mist. A strong and powerful heroine, a character who… (more)

NecrotongueHappy Death Day 2U(2019) 

The creators stepped into the same river for the second time (which wasn’t a problem thanks to a time loop) and I thought I knew exactly what to expect of the film this time, but the opposite was true. Based on my… (more)

lampsThe Kid Who Would Be King(2019) 

If you like the Arthurian legends and want to share them with your children, The Kid Who Would Be King may be the film for you. To everyone else, a warning, although the film is not bad or lacking ideas, those two hours… (more)