Apple TV+ - Streaming

Apple TV+

Streaming from 02/11/2017  
Streaming from 01/11/2017


Streaming from 31/10/2017


Streaming from 30/10/2017





NinadeLA Bad Moms Christmas(2017) 

It's still not a total loss, and it's a bit worse than the first one, but on the other hand, it doesn't offend if taken as Christmas relaxation. The cast of actresses from different generations makes for an entertaining… (more)

NecrotongueA Bad Moms Christmas(2017) 

What an unexpected surprise. After the first film, I was expecting to boo this. In the end, I have to admit that the filmmakers did manage to make the sequel a little better after all. That's not to say the film was… (more)

J*A*S*MIt Comes at Night(2017) 

The high expectations remain unfortunately unfulfilled. I get what it wanted to be: a tense and paranoid journey towards the realisation that, pushed by extreme circumstances and the fight for survival, even good people… (more)