Prime Video - Streaming

Prime Video

Streaming from 08/11/2023  
Streaming from 05/11/2023


Streaming from 04/11/2023



Streaming from 03/11/2023




kaylinMegan Leavey(2017) 

A well-presented story about love for a dog. It's not unnecessarily melodramatic, and it doesn't aim to manipulate you needlessly, although you might wonder if it's emotionally exaggerated in places in terms of how the… (more)

MalarkeyMegan Leavey(2017) 

When Kate Mara and her dog got to Iraq, I totally thought that they made a re-make of The Hurt Locker, only with a female lead and a dog instead of a pyrotechnic. But they cut it off at the most action-packed moment and… (more)


An enjoyable feel good genre film from high school. It lacks proper humour, but is likeable, lively, nicely shot and fast paced. The girls start a fight club in high school and get they beat each other up. There are a… (more)