Prime Video - Streaming

Prime Video

Streaming from 17/11/2023  


Streaming from 16/11/2023


Streaming from 15/11/2023
Streaming from 12/11/2023





J*A*S*MThey Wait(2007) 

It took me quite a long time to get the courage to watch this film (I was put off by the awful ratings on IMDb), but the fears were unwarranted. To my surprise, it is an above-average ghost story that, though not very… (more)

gudaulinWelcome to the Sticks(2008) 

To be honest, I expected something much worse, like a redneck comedy for a tired audience. It actually turned out to be quite a sophisticated comedy for a general audience. While watching, it reminded me of the title of… (more)

DaViD´82Welcome to the Sticks(2008) 

In light of the poster, knowing that 20 million French people went to see the movie is pretty scary. I was afraid it would turn out to be something like Kameňák. I mean, packed movie theaters, but no quality. And after… (more)