Prime Video - Streaming

Prime Video

Streaming from 01/02/2021  
Streaming from 31/01/2021


Streaming from 30/01/2021
Streaming from 29/01/2021
Streaming from 28/01/2021
Streaming from 27/01/2021
Streaming from 26/01/2021


Streaming from 25/01/2021
Streaming from 20/01/2021
Streaming from 19/01/2021
Streaming from 18/01/2021
Streaming from 17/01/2021
Streaming from 15/01/2021


Streaming from 14/01/2021
Streaming from 13/01/2021


Streaming from 12/01/2021



LimaThe Marksman(2021) 

The grey hair and wrinkles are increasing, but they look good on Liam and he certainly knows how to age gracefully. It's not the classic Neeson action vehicle that people were probably expecting, more like a human,… (more)

EvilPhoEniXThe Marksman(2021) 

Weak. It's funny that suddenly people are complaining about a lack of action, if it were present from beginning to end, they would complain about the lack of a story, unfortunately these two things rarely go together,… (more)

NecrotongueThe Expanse - Hard Vacuum(2021) 

The eighth episode, thankfully, didn't veer into soap opera territory, but I still struggled to find many reasons to praise it. The plot mainly centered on Naomi's desperate suffering, and after about the tenth groan, I… (more)