Prime Video - Streaming

Prime Video

Streaming from 30/11/2022  


Streaming from 29/11/2022
Streaming from 28/11/2022


Streaming from 25/11/2022


Streaming from 24/11/2022
Streaming from 23/11/2022




GoldbeaterBones and All(2022) 

The first Guadagnino film that I really liked. A slow, thoughtful and heartfelt road-movie with cannibal characters that can be mistaken for vampires or even regular humans, it simply works as it should. Just dive in… (more)

EvilPhoEniXBones and All(2022) 

Luca Guadagnino has made a cannibalistic road trip romance through the American backwoods and it has its charms. It's clear that the director is a drama buff, but he probably also enjoys horror and likes to combine the… (more)

3DD!3Bones and All(2022) 

I think most vegans who accidentally wander into the cinema to see this unconventional romantic road-trip will pass out and have nightmares for the rest of their lives. Marel (Taylor Russell) can't contain herself on a… (more)