Prime Video - Streaming

Prime Video

Streaming from 23/11/2022  
Streaming from 22/11/2022


Streaming from 21/11/2022


Streaming from 20/11/2022
Streaming from 18/11/2022
Streaming from 17/11/2022


Streaming from 16/11/2022
Streaming from 15/11/2022
Streaming from 14/11/2022




EvilPhoEniXThe People We Hate at the Wedding(2022) 

A mediocre relationship comedy from Amazon that meets quotas even more strictly than Netflix, so it's going to give the bigots a hard time. I'm a little disappointed that the film doesn't take place at a wedding, I was… (more)

NecrotongueThe Peripheral - Fuck You and Eat Shit(2022) 

Well, it seems that the creators are either preparing for the grand finale of the first season, or they simply let themselves be lulled by how things have been going so far. The plot of the sixth episode was a bit… (more)