Prime Video - Streaming

Prime Video

Streaming from 31/12/2021  


Streaming from 30/12/2021
Streaming from 29/12/2021
Streaming from 28/12/2021


Streaming from 27/12/2021
Streaming from 26/12/2021
Streaming from 25/12/2021
Streaming from 24/12/2021


Streaming from 22/12/2021
Streaming from 21/12/2021
Streaming from 20/12/2021
Streaming from 19/12/2021
Streaming from 18/12/2021


Streaming from 17/12/2021



NecrotongueThe Expanse - Force Projection(2021) 

If it weren't for that deactivated torpedo, I might've nudged it up to a weaker five-star rating, but that thing left a bad taste. The episode was a mix of stellar and lackluster moments, but overall, it hit the mark… (more)

DaViD´82The Grand Tour - Carnage a Trois(2021) 

The Institute for Insulting France, from the safety of the British Isles. A return to the roots of "good old Top Gear", admittedly due to the lockdown, but it brings back the antics and escapades on the English fields… (more)